Stretch Sculpting Fusion Workout - BARLATES BODY BLITZ Functional Training High and Low

Welcome to the Functional Training Series, a series of 4 workouts that are designed to lengthen and strengthen your entire body. These workouts use various combinations of mat and standing exercises to create long, defined muscles. There are lots of angle variations, balance challenges and compound exercises to engage both your mind and body. The workouts need minimal space and no equipment. There is also a dance like flowing feel that is joint friendly and just feels good for the body. In Functional Training High and Low you will see lots of up and down moves that engage your core and help you to work in a very balanced way. You will start with dynamic stretching for the upper and lower body, move to a stretch yoga flow series then use light hand weights with large range of motion lunge, squat and raise combinations that will engage your total body. There are lateral movements as well as up and down movements that will increase the heart rate, burn fat and sculpt all the major muscle groups in your lo
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