Read the text to support the cause ⬇️ “Forest Garden is a concept from permaculture denoting a long-term biologically sustainable system for growing food & other products based on combining plants and trees together in natural woodland-like patterns. This compilation symbolizes the life cycle, the transformation of mankind and the Earth. It is a wake-up call and going back to the root values and a sustainable way of living, trough the mystical ancient sounds and deep dub bass following the heart beats.
Deepest gratitude to the amazing artists for beautiful music and trust.
You can directly support the sustainable life for a better future - all the donations will go to a small village school in Croatian hills for a permacultural redesign of the existing orchard, making a rain garden, sensory path, herbal spiral bed and garden pond
Pictures form first part of permaculture redesign supported by donations for “Forest Garden Donation here Bandcamp https://indrasgard