Georgia Miller || We get what we deserve

“You give that pain to me, I can handle it” Georgia Miller is one among the most bada$$ female characters I’ve seen. She’s a resemblance of pain, suffering and struggle but doesn’t show it to most of the people she loves, and succeeds to hide it with her humor. I love how the writers did not make her stone cold because she shows her emotions when she’s with Zion and that shows how vulnerable she is but in a sweet way. Zion is like her soulmate, platonically, and I love that it shows that parents who are divorced can still have a normal relationship even after breaking up .  I don’t blame Georgia for the things she did, it’s not right but having that kinda responsibility put on you at a very young age can really mess you up and make you do questionable things… plus her parents didn’t treat her right…Austin’s dad abused her, Zion’s they did(always making her feel like she made a lot of mistakes and wrong choices) was wrong. They should have been there for her no
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