GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit HEREFORD: BLESSING THE ANIMALS: Full Description: ANIMALS. “THE BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS“ special Service held in the Cementary by Children for their Pets... shot of rabbit, in boys arms, girl w dog, a goat, a cat c. u., bird in cage. CHURCHES. “HOLY TRINITY HEREFORD“ where the “BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS“ took place in the Cemetary....’55. GLASS..&EYE GLASSES ETC Feild-glasses, Opera-glasses Shot of special “ST TAINED...“in Holy Trinity Church Here Francis of ASSISSI. HEREFORD “BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS“ special service in Holy Trinity in Church of children w their pets. Animals - Domestic; Ceremonies - Religious Background: HEREFORD: BLESSING THE ANIMALS: FILM ID: VLVA1QSH2JIRMJYAB9DIK9K5O29GI To license this film, visit
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