桂圆又叫龙眼,小时候特别爱吃,后来怕长胖,每次都只尝几颗……上大学时候在产桂圆的江边小城,那里盛产桂圆,常常吃些用桂圆做的美食,回來雲南幾年後,突然想念那的味道了,用云南的桂圆做几道菜吧。 云南也有种桂圆的地方,还是在那条怒江边上,夏天虽然在江边会更闷热一些,但吃了荔枝吃桂圆也挺幸福的!吃完这一季桂圆,夏天也彻底结束了~
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Longan is also called “dragon’s eye“. I used to love them when I was a kid. As its sweetness leads to easy weight gains, I had to eat less of them. My collage is in a riverside town with lots of longans. People there use longan to make various cuisines. It’s been years since I’ve returned to Yunnan. The taste of longan came to my mind out of blue, so I decided to cook some dishes with Yunnan longan.
Yunnan does have longan trees. It’s still along the Salween River. Though the riverside is muggy in summer, it does feel great to enjoy litchis first, then longan. After I enjoyed the longan, summer has officially gone.
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