Astra Gazette No 10 - Boxing Competition - Wakefield (1951)

Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown. Astra Gazette No 10 - Boxing competition - Wakefield. Bout 7 Bullock V Toomlow. M/S VIPs at ringside. M/S boxers exchanging blows in ring Bullock starts bak peddling round ring with Toomlow chasing. Shots of Bullock retreating. M/S exchanging blows both a bit wild Bullock fights back. Several more shots of the fight in progress which is won by Toomlow. Various shots of boxing match between Keeley V Burgess. Shots of trophies being presented. PERFORMERS ON STRINGS Several shots of young woman showing off her skills as a p...uppeteer. TESTING FIRE ARMS - BIRMINGHAM Various shots of man at work making gun parts and testing gun barrels. MONKEY TRICKS Several shots of chimpanzees playing in garden. SOHO - WINE DRINKING SPANISH STYLE Shots of people sitting round table. M/Ss of woman drinking wine from flask. She manages to spill a bit over her face. Several shots of Spanish gentleman demonstrating how to drink the w
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