Aslhan Malbora Anwers Your Questions at Onedio! (English Subtitles)

This is a little late but I thought I’d still upload it here. Here’s the English translation of the Onedio video of Aslıhan Malbora where she answered fan questions from social media. Malbora plays “Leyla” in this new Turkish TV show, titled, “Üç Kuruş.” I know people have been loving that show, so I hope you guys enjoy this one. I also wanted to address the fact that this TV show, to my knowledge, takes place in a Romani neighbourhood in İstanbul. However, Aslıhan herself, who is playing a Romani girl, isn’t Romani. I doubt that other people with notable roles in the show are any different. Since Turkey’s past (and very much present) with the ethnic and religious minorities living in the country is not very positive, I had my doubts about the show’s representation of Romani people that live in Turkey. Some Romani people also have brought this up online. I explored my worries associated with this project in a Twitter thread I wrote months ago. However, I still wanted to mention this here because I do believe that, if a project like this is happening, the casting should favour Romani actors so that they have a chance to represent themselves the way they want. You can find me on Twitter @heviwillnot Here’s the link to the original video: All rights of the video belong to Onedio and this video will not be monetized. It is only published on here because Onedio (and YouTube) does not let third parties add subtitles to their videos so I had to download the video and add the subtitles myself. Only for entertainment purposes!
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