KANANGA - Pavlos Tripodakis - Documentary 2018

Faith and hope in one of the most dangerous places of the world. 69᾽, Colored, Director: Pavlos Tripodakis Screenwriting: Pavlos Tripodakis / Florentia Amboderin Drone: Dimitris Papageorgiou Music: NVμ (Dimitris B. / Florence A.). Production: Tripodakis LTD In Kananga, the third largest city in the Democratic Republic of Congo, famine and poverty is part of the lives of the people. But hope never dies. The message that two Greek Orthodox priests carried along with them in the 60’s and their way of life carries on to this day, helping the locals deal with the harsh reality. This feature documentary was filmed during a fragile window of temporary peace. It is the National Bank of Greece. (the reason is because National Bank of Congo has 70 dollars Fee no mater how mack money you add. etc. If you put 80 euros he will resieve 10. That is why he prefers the National Bank of Greece) So the bank details are this: Account Number: 225/006631-11 Name: Iera Metropolis of Kananga IBAN: GR9301102250000022500663111 SWIFT (BIC). ETHNGRAA
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