Did Aliens Start Civilization? | ANUNNAKI SECRETS REVEALED 32 |

Based on the book ’The Wars of Gods and Men’ by Zecharia Sitchin, Inspired by the chapter titled ’Mankind Emerges’. The video addresses the theory of ancient astronauts, exploring the possibility that ancient civilizations, such as Sumeria, may have been influenced or initiated by extraterrestrial beings referred to as the Anunnaki. The narrative begins by questioning the traditional scientific explanation of the origin of civilization through agriculture and animal husbandry, suggesting that the social structure emerged complete and abrupt, something that science does not fully explain. The discovery of Mesopotamian texts in 1876, revealing creation narratives similar to the biblical Genesis, is discussed, with an emphasis on the research of Zecharia Sitchin. These texts are presented as possible records of advanced scientific knowledge, including details about the solar system validated by modern space missions. The video explores the existence of the tenth planet, Ni
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