DEFENCE: Remembrance ceremony for Jewish members of armed forces (1947)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The first remembrance ceremony for Jewish ex-servicemen since 1939, commemorating Jewish men and women who died in both World Wars. Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Remembrance Service of Jewish Ex-Servicemen ENGLAND: London: Horse Guards Parade: War veterans lined up including line of ex-servicemen holding regimental flags. Field Marshall Lord Alanbrooke (Alan Brooke, World War II Chief of Imperial Staff) reviewing parade and chatting to former members of forces. Veterans standing to attention. Deputy Chief Rabbi (possibly Dayan Lazarus?) reading letter of thanks from King George VI. Wreaths being laid by Victoria Cross (VC) winners at Cenotaph war memorial followed by march past. Background: The first remembrance ceremony for Jewish ex-servicemen since 1939, commemorating Jewish men and
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