Centenary Of Hungarian Scientist Semmelweis (1965)

Hungary. Title reads ’Semmelweis’. GV. Large building, the birthplace of the Hungarian physician scientist Ignac Semmelweis. CU. Plaque on wall. Various shots of the ceremony of unveiling the statue of the scientist in the courtyard of the house to mark centenary of his death. CU. Some of the book pages in which Semmelweis writes about his fight against puerperal fever. Various shots inside the room in the Rokus hospital where he wrote his work. Ends with a still of him. GV. Exterior of the Rokus Hospital. GV. Semmelweis Street in Budapest. Various shots of Statue of Semmelweis. GV. Budapest. Various shots of meeting in the Hungarian Academy of Science. CU. Pages and pages of postage stamps with Semmelweis’ picture on. CU. Fragments of his original letters. (Comb. F.G.) Date found in the old record - 23/08/1965. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES.
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