VKB NXT Hardware guide - Building a Gladiator NXT+SEM

This video shows how to build and set up a unit composed of a Gladiator NXT and a SEM. 00:00-00:10 Intro 00:10-00:20 Presentation 00:21-01:59 Linking the SEM and Gladiator NXT 02:00-02:36 Connecting the SEM and Gladiator NXT 02:37-03:05 Putting it back together and installing rubber feet 03:06-04:03 Removing the Landing Gear detent block 04:04-04:35 Setting up the Flaps axis 04:36-04:46 Setting up the Landing Gear axis 04:47-04:52 Reset to default 04:53-05:11 Find&Autoconfig 05:12-05:52 Setting up the Landing Gear as analog axis; 05:53-06:41 Calibration 06:42-07:35 Testing 07:36-07:42 Outro
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