[OB] 16. Imagine

DISCLAIMER: the stories/images presented in following album are pure fiction and should be treated as novels. Following any of described immoral actions that break the law is discouraged. Any similarity to actual person, living or dead, or past event, is purely coincidental. Some people may find the content as disturbing or unpleasant. ~~~ === FRAGMENT OF RECORDING TRANSCRIPTION / === Doctor (D): Do you have any thoughts? Patient (P): Plenty of them. Which one do you want to hear? D: Whichever you desire, one that has most impact on your daily routine. We’ve got time. *longer silence* D: Are you ready? P: Yes. So there’s been this town I told you about, and where I also spent most time of my mission. Captain’s orders. D: Yes, I remember. P: Sure. Cruel bastards murdered three of our people. Hope they burn in hell. When their leader detonated the target vehicle, I got one of fragments in my left arm. Later, they had to amputate my whole arm up to shoulder
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