Papercraft IJN Battleship YAMATO 空き箱で作る、戦艦大和

From Osaka,Japan. Thank you watch my video. This is my work when I was high school. it tooks 3 month for making. Used food packages and cardboards and white craft glue. When I was high school, I made some 戦艦 and 空母 in 大日本帝国海軍 (battleships and aircraft carrier in Imperial Japanese Navy). YAMATO is last one I made. ーーーーーdrawings and blueprints.ーーーーーーー I use mainly wikimedia commons. And sir everyone’s website who makes plastic model YAMATO. I won’t make any battleships,or another military somethings. Because their history is very sadly. Kamikaze, atomic bomb,holocaust,and mote When I make something, I learn everything as I can. Their history, why it made?what their purpose?and more. Studying battleships includes
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