Mamkodi Monastery is a monastic complex in eastern Georgia, in the municipality of Mtskheta, in the community of Tskhvarichamia. Located near Tbilisi, 5 km northeast of the village of Mamkodi, on the right side of the Gldani-Tianeti road, on the top of the mountain is the Mamkoda yard.
The Mamkodi complex includes the churches of the Mother of God and St. George. Bell tower, fragment of a building of unknown purpose and fence.
Зелень лавра, доходящая до дрожи.
Дверь распахнутая, пыльное оконце,
стул покинутый, оставленное ложе.
Ткань, впитавшая полуденное солнце...“
И. Бродский - Письма
... римскому другу
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