Mounties Train For Rescue (1961)

Full title reads: “Canada. Mounties Train For Rescue“. Banff Park, Canada. Men of the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) train for mountain rescue. LV wardens arriving at foot of mountain for start of the mountain rescue work. Back view wardens with rescue equipment. GV mountains partly shrouded in mist. SV three wardens of Cliff face. SV Ditto. CU face of warden. SV Cliff face warden swinging on rope from one section of cliff face to another SV another one swinging towards on rope. Back view. As he swings and lands on cliff face. SV two wardens inching along rock face. LV Ditto. pan up to top of cliff. GV mountains partly shrouded in mist. SV wardens preparing to lower “Injured“ climber on canvas seat. CU warden watching. SV cable running off drum GV man being lowered across mountain gap by cable. CU warden pan down to cable running off drum. GV looking across mountain range with warden slowly descending from cable. GV mountain shrouded in mist. SV wardens preparing “Victim“ in basket for descent. SV
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