Summer Migration of Siberian Nomads, Кочевники тундровой летней миграции

Possibly the most wonderful two days of my life were spent with these beautiful Khanty nomads from northern Siberia. We drove a long way to meet a group we had contacted, got lost, and ended up with this amazing family who took us in and shared a long night’s migration with us. The day starts with the gathering of fresh antlers from the reindeer (caribou). After a hard day the nomadic family return to their camp and pack everything on to their sledges. They migrate through the night as this is the coolest time of day. Finally, in the early hours of the morning they set up camp, have one last cup of tea and go to bed. They migrate every two to three days in order to provide fresh clean pasture for their animals. Healthy living for everyone. Please like and share it around the world, not for us, but to show that beautiful lives are still lived in the heart of an unspoilt natural world. We have a great little book giving much more information. It can be sent around the world and purchas
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