Wayne Raney | Lost John Boogie

Wayne Raney isn’t seen a lot on YouTube, so I made a quick video myself to make him just a bit better known. The featured song is “Lost John Boogie“ from the album Songs of the Hills (1958) on the King label. This album is (again) available on CD, so if you like it, please buy the CD. You won’t regret it, I can assure you. Wayne Rainey was born in Wolf Bayou, Arkansas. He started playing the harmonica at an early age and never stopped. In an article around 1950 or so, they said he could remember the days when he would hitchhike from town to town in almost every state in the union and playing for whatever money he might be able to pick up at clubs and cafes. And he did this during the depression when jobs were scarce. As luck would have it, he was in a small town in Texas and went into the local pool hall and started playing for the people there. It turns out the local radio station manager was there, too and immediately hired him to work for the station. And his musical car
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