VERMIS MORTEM Venomous Winds of Pazuzu (Lyric Vídeo)

“Lord, make me an instrument of Thy mayhem“ Where there’s love, bring us hate; Where there’s pardon, injury; Where there’s truth, feed ’em lies; Where there’s faith, doubt; O Pronane Master, Grant that I may not so much seek To be burned as to burn; To be destroyed as to destroy; To be hated as to hate. For it is suffering what they deserve; Where there’s hope, give ’em despair; Where there’s peace, bring the war Where there’s light, darkness; And where there’s joy, sadness. O Pronane Master, Grant that I may not so much seek It is in pain that we are shaped; And it is in life that we are sent to eternal death. For it is in just what they deserve Rise Pazuzu Rise...! Bringing chaos and demise Rise Pazuzu Rise! Burning field, corrupting lives Where there’s love, bring us hate; Where there’s pardon, injury; Where there’s light, darkness;
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