Slovenia: Police use tear gas at protest decrying toughened COVID restrictions

Subscribe to our channel! Thousands of anti-vaccination demonstrators were dispersed by riot police in Ljubljana on Wednesday as new COVID restrictions were introduced. Around 8,000 people, the largest gathering of people against health restrictions thus far, gathered on the streets of the capital on the day new restrictions came into force which mandate “PCT“ certificate (proof that a citizen has been either vaccinated, tested or recovered from the virus) in order to enter shops or go to work. As nighttime arrived, riot police started using tear gas and water cannons to disperse the crowd after demonstrators started throwing bottles, stones and firecrackers. Small skirmishes were also reported as some officers were injured while a few demonstrators were detained. This comes as the Slovenian government attempts to curb the rise in infection rates which saw the country register around 1,300 new cases on September 15th. #Slovenia #Ljubljana Video ID:
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