42A0348 - G30D2 -- Video 8 of 8 (Enhanced Video & Audio) -- R30 -- NIST FOIA #09-42
NIST Video tape: “NY1 - 6 Raw Field Tapes from 9/11/01 WTC Disaster“, Video 8 of 8.
02:27 - Collapse of the South Tower (WTC 2) starts with a rumble at 9:58:59 a.m.
15:42 - North Tower (WTC 1) starts to collapse at 10:28:22 a.m. A loud bang is clearly audible just before people reacting to the visible destruction.
Videographer: Jason Post w/ reporter Andrew Siff, NY1
WTC Viewed from: Northwest
Camera Location: West Street (multiple spots), Manhattan
Source of video:
Folder: International_Center_for_911_Studies_NIST_FOIA
1st Lv. Subfolder: Release_30
2nd Lv. Subfolder: Release 30
3rd Lv. Subfolder: 42A0348 - G30D2
4th Lv. Subfolder: VIDEO_TS
File size (5 x VTS-VOB files combined): GB
DVD disc contents: :QEV2FKX4PLCAO42ZI3UDNA2Z2QMN42VJ
DVD Video found with extremely low audio volume on both channels, rather rarely encountered in NIST-released WTC video tapes.
Direct source tape used for the DVD Video authored at NIST for FOIA release:
Tape_ID: 290
Video_ID: 134
Tape_Name: “NY1 - 6 Raw Field Tapes from 9/11/01 WTC Disaster“
Tape_Source: Gina Caruso - NY1 News
Video_title: “NY1 - 9/11/01 WTC Disaster - Six Raw Field Tapes“
Network: NY1
Broadcast_date: 2001-09-11
Copy: 1
Derived_from: 0 [Tape ID, 0 = Tape is NIST’s 1st copy.]
Format: Betacam SP
Duration (min): 58
Subject: WTC - 9/11
Notes: “All material on this tape was taken from six raw Field tapes shot by six different NY1 shooters/reporters. Included is b-roll of the scene and interviews with people at the scene. The total duration with black in-between the segments is 57:50.
1) “Trade Center“ - Reporter/Shooter, JD LaRock - 17:46 (0:08-17:42 = 17:34)
2) “WTC Crowds/bldgs. - Shooter, Shazia Khan - 5:34 (17:42-19:13, 22:14-25:36 = 4:53)
3) “WTC, Canal Street“ - Shooter, Amanda Farinacci - 4:48 (19:13-22:14, 25:36-27:16 = 4:41)
4) “WTC, Kristen on-scene/Rafe“ - Shooter, Rafe Levy; Reporter, Kristen Shaughnessy - 14:35 (27:16-36:50 = 9:34)
5) “WTC Bldg. II - first collapse“ - Shooter, Ralph Franco - 3:00 (36: = 2:58)
6) “WTC West Side bike path - both bldg. collapses“ - Reporter/Shooter, Andrew Siff; Shooter: Jason Post - 17:50 (39:52-57:45 = 17:53)“
Clips: FALSE
Batch: FALSE
TimeCode: FALSE
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42A0348 - G30D2 -- Video 8 of 8 (Enhanced Video & Audio) -- R30 -- NIST FOIA #09-42
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