True to it’s title - which means three knots - the story revolves around three characters and the unexpected happenings in their lives. Balaji (Kamal Haasan) and Prasad (Rajnikanth) both fall in love with a young, college girl Selvi (Sridevi) who lives with her sister Subhadra. Balaji and his roommate Prasad are bachelors who live alone in the same neighborhood Selvi falls in love with Balaji and does not reciprocate Prasad’s feelings. Prasad is unable to face the rejection by Selvi. So, he gets Balaji out
7 years ago 02:10:56 96
Moondru Mudichu
10 years ago 00:03:06 25
Rajnikanth & Sridevi - Naan Oru Kadanayaki - Moondru Mudichu
10 years ago 00:04:28 33
Rajnikanth, Kamal Haasan & Sridevi - Vasantha Kala Nadigalile - Moondru Mudichu