외신 속 한 주간 한반도 뉴스 Hello and welcome. You’re watching Issues and Insiders for this Tuesday here in Korea. I’m Min Sunhee. Is North Korea looking to wage war against South Korea remains the biggest question with regard to tensions on the peninsula and for the latest on this I have Thomas Maresca here in the studio. Thomas it’s good to have you here. I also have Steven Borowiec. Steven welcome back. 1) Thomas, North Korea’s Kim Jong-un raised fresh concerns here after visiting a naval shipyard last week. Now I’m aware you covered this event. What can you share with us? 2) Steven, the biggest question about the peninsula in recent days has been “is North Korea weighing war with South Korea?“ Based on your interactions with pundits, what are your thoughts? 3) Thomas, it appears that the international community is opting for “peace through strength“ with regard to North Korea, instead of peace through pure diplomacy, if you will What are the pros and cons of this more assertive stance, do you think? 4) Steven, do you suppose South Korea should seek to reach out to neighbors like China and Russia to coax North Korea back to dialogue? And do you see Beijing and Moscow actively responding to such efforts by Seoul? 5) Thomas, what are the prospects of the emergence of multilateral engagements like the former six-party talks to better address geopolitical tensions? 6) Steven, with regard to Seoul and Moscow, a few tense words have been shared by the two governments in recent days. Do give us some background, and what do you suppose are the broader implications of this terse exchange? 7) Thomas, separately, earlier last week, there was news about North Korean workers based in China clashing with their regime’s ruling party over unpaid wages. Do tell us more including the broader concerns of this unprecedented conflict. 8) Steven, do you suppose North Korea’s Kim Jong-un is ramping up his hostile rhetoric against South Korea and the U.S. in hopes of creating a common-enemy effect within an increasingly discontent North Korean public? 9) Meanwhile Thomas, regarding a more national agenda, some pundits believe South Korea’s hopes for autonomy stand at odds with its need for alliance. What do you say? 10) Steven, how do you respond to the belief above? All right. #NorthKorea #security_threat #cruise_missile #military_provocation #KimJongun #Korean_Peninsula #북한 #한반도 #안보위협 #Arirang_News #아리랑뉴스 📣 Facebook : 📣 Twitter : 📣 Homepage : 2024-02-06, 14:30 (KST)
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