Note, there are four slices, two from below and two from above. Do it like this: If he rushes at you, raising his arms up and wanting to overwhelm you on your left side, wind your sword and fall on his arm under his hilt with your long edge with crossed hands and press upward with the slice. If he rushes at you however to your right side, fall on his arm with the short edge and press it upward like before.
Копилка знаний о ФЕХТОВАНИИ. Фехтование, Fencing
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Теги: Фехтование, Фехтування, Fencing, Sword, Knight, Рыцари, Меч, Холодное оружие, Шашка, Сабля, Рапира, Шпага, Полутор, Двуручник, Лонгсворд, Спорт
1 year ago 00:12:11 1
How to Fight with a Longsword 13 - Abschneiden and Hentdrucken