Seaforth’s Last Parade (1960)

Muenster, Federal Republic of Germany (Western Germany). GV. First battalion of Seaforth Highlanders marching across parade ground and coming to attention - this is their last parade before returning home to merge with Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders. LV. Troops shouldering arms. LV. Between the ranks of men as they stand at ease. LV. General Sir James Cassels, Commander-in-Chief, British Army of the Rhine and the Colonel of the regiment, inspecting the men. CU. Colonel talking to one of the men. CU. Drummer swinging his drumsticks. CU. Bearded piper playing. LV. Men of the regiment doing their quick march past. CU. Soldiers’ feet marching. BV. Men marching away from camera. GV. Spectators. LV. Highlanders slow marching towards camera. LV. Battalion colours being slow marched past. CU. Colonel taking the salute. LV. Men marching towards camera. CU. Marching feet. GV. Colonel taking the salute with the troops marching past (F.G.) FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL,
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