Leaving It All Behind

Go to our sponsor for 10% off your first month of therapy with Pride Counseling and get matched with a LGBTQ friendly therapist who will listen and help. Now that we have clean running water and a well completely powered by solar, we can do two of our favorite activities: not get poisoned by arsenic in ground water, and get in the hot tub! I know we’ve used it in the past, but now the water is drinkable, and we have enough power and water now to be able to use it inside the house to wash dishes, and outside the house to clean the tub! It may seem like these small day-to-day comforts we take for granted living in big cities is silly to celebrate, but nothing makes you appreciate the smaller things than scarcity when you go without it. Like DOORS! Today is all about doors, both literal and metaphorical. As we close the door to a long winter, we open our literal doors that we built ourselves! If absence makes the heart grow fonder, we couldn'
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