A Palm-nut Vulture attacks its reflection in a mirror set in the Gabon jungle

Description : English / Français The Palm-nut Vulture (Gypohierax angolensis) lives near water points in the forests and savannahs of sub-Saharan Africa. Its plumage is all white except for black areas in wings and tail. He has a red plaque around his eye. The juvenile is brown with yellow eye-patches Its main food is not meat or carrion as it is usually eaten by vultures, but the fleshy fruit-husks of the oil-palm nuts or of raffia palm nuts. The adult Palm-nut Vulture can be crudely mistaken for the African Fish-Eagle (Vociferous Eagle) Palm-nut Vulture: white head, a red patch around each eye, light grey beak, white feathers everywhere except under the wings, lower back and early tail, which are black. African Fish-Eagle: yellow face, tip of the black beak, its feathers are white only on the head, neck, torso, upper back and tip of tail, the other feathers are dark brown or black. Very large mirrors have been placed in Gabon deep forest by Anne-Marie and Xavier HUBERT-BRIERRE with M
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