10 DKs vs Ragnaros HEROIC # Worldfirst # - Raegwyn PoV

10 DKs vs Firelands clear: 25 DKs vs Firelands: This was a crossrealm raid organized by Raegwyn and Valacar/mbXtreme Raegwyns channel: mbXtremes Channel: My Guild 8/8 HC is still recruiting all classes (german prefered): 6 Hours of wiping English with ~6 different accents Countless frustrating wipes but we still managed to beat to hardest DK raid challenge ever World of Logs of the Kill: The hardest part of this Fight was Taunt Immunity. We had most of our wipes in phase 1 because of overnuking or to many stacks on a tank and taunt immunity. All people who died in P4 died because they taunted into a trap what also made him taunt immun. al
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