Daniel Erlandsson (Arch Enemy) - тур по установке Даниэла, 2023.

Daniel Erlandsson (Arch Enemy) - Drum kit rundown 2023! . Scroll down for full description of this video!! . . . . . . . As I was collecting the footage to compile this rig rundown (which, by the way was filmed on the European Arch Enemy tour of 2023), I realized that despite the length of this video, there’s still a lot of areas that I didn’t cover. One of them being the finish of this drum kit, called “Dark Moon Tamo”. Its a veneer ply that sits on the outside of the shell. The surface exposes the grains of the wood not just visually but also in a 3D or tactile way! Truly unique, and as far as i know this is the first time Pearl has done anything like that. . . I will have to do a “Part 2” covering the electronics section, the microphones (I use SE electronics and I have those AWESOME microphones mounted on my rehearsal/Studio kit atm working on new Arch Enemy music) plus all the other gear and little details around this drum set. . . For
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