Backstory 201: 7 Tips & 1 Alternative for Crafting Effective Backstories - Playing RPGs

Here’s 7 tips on making great Character Backstories that both you and your Game Master can get the most out of, as well as an additional option I prefer that can be incorporated alongside or instead of writing a backstory out. __________ *DID YOU KNOW I’M A NOVELIST?* If you want to support my channel, or just want to read an action-packed Urban Fantasy about modern-day monster hunters and their sentient weapons, check out my four-novel Valducan series. They feature gun fights, sword fights, chases, monsters, and a smattering of horror. Audio book editions narrated by the badass R.C. Bray: I also write pulpy Sword & Sorcery thief adventures in my Tales of the Black Raven series. It’s 21 short adventures packed with action, intrigue, and daring heroics (You might notice Book 2: Sea of Quills not-so-subtly placed behind me). Audio editions read by R.C. Bray. And if you want a kickass and dark revenge story about a modern-day sorceress hunting for lost Carcosa,
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