Arduino Mechanical TV #5 - RPM lock!

This is just 5 minutes after I first got it working - the speed of the disc is now controlled by a PID which is getting RPM from an infra-red sensor looking through a synch hole on the disc. The video shows the disk completely under PID control as it spins up to correct speed, detects that it’s there, and then throttles the motor appropriately to keep it there. I don’t have “frame lock“ yet, but that’s not far away now. Portions of video showing the singing lady are from a reconstruction of original 1930s material, produced by, and copyright, Don McLean. I have converted the video to 32 line format, and used a subset only, for demonstration of the video running on my televisor. I believe this falls within “fair use“ but to be absolutely clear - such material is still copyright Don McLean and you should visit his amazing website to view the reconstructions in all their glory.
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