Secret Archives of the Vatican - Ulda

In Sámi folklore an ulda is a seductive forest creature. Her name derives from a root meaning “covered“ or “secret“. In Norwegian folklore, she is known as huldra. She is known as the skogsrå “forest spirit“ or Tallemaja “pine tree Mary“ in Swedish folklore. Her name suggests that she is originally the same being as the völva divine figure Huld and the German Holda. The word hulder is only used of a female; a “male hulder“ is called a huldrekall and also appears in Norwegian folklore. Though described as beautiful, the huldra is noted for having a distinctive inhuman feature—an animal’s tail (usually a cow’s or a fox’s) and/or a back resembling a hollowed-out tree. ______________________________________________________________________________________ We are everywhere online - all our links are here:
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