Fog Chasing / Nebel jagen (1985) dir. Nicolas Humbert

Improvised and filmed in stark black and white, FOG CHASING was made in collaboration with his artist friends, Philip Gröning und Michael Wogh, who played the main roles. Scenes and dialogue were written and shot on the same day. The resulting film comes to life in a highly fragmentary fashion that leaves much to the imagination of the viewer. Nicolas Humbert tells his story in small fragments; he leaves holes, leads you astray, leaves things unresolved. The audience must piece the puzzle together. It’s a walk along a cliff‚ a “fog chase.” The film is made to be seen over and over again; it reveals a bit more each time. „Es war doch einmal möglich, mit offenen Augen durch die Welt zu gehen, weil der Film unserer Vorstellung eine Welt unterschob, die mit unseren Wünschen übereinstimmte.“ Ich denke, diese Tür ist uns immer offen.(Nicolas Humbert, 1986)
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