陈卓璇 Chen Zhuoxuan - 风的话 Words of Wind 自制录音室版MV | Self-Made Studio MV (我的小确幸 My Little Happiness OST)

自制了个录音室版《风的话》mv哈哈哈 辛苦老师不厌其烦跟我一遍一遍重来 Self-made a studio version MV of “Words of Wind“ hahaha Really appreciated the patience of my recording engineer as we recorded again and again 风的话 Words of Wind (《我的小确幸》影视剧片头主题曲 | “My Little Happiness“ Opening Theme Song) 演唱 Singer: 硬糖少女303陈卓璇 BonBon Girls 303 - Chen Zhuoxuan 作词 Lyricist: 萨吉 Saji 作曲 Composer: Hwang Yong Ju 编曲 Arranger: 金大洲 D-Jin 制作人 Producer: 金大洲 D-Jin 吉他 Guitarist:
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