French Moroccan Campaign 1922 (1922)

French Moroccan campaign 1922. In 1921; after several military victories against Spain; Abd el Krim; leader of the Riffian tribes; announced the establishment of a separate Rif republic in the northern part of the territory. This was mainly in the Spanish Zone (Morocco had been divided in 1912 into Spanish M. and French M.) but the French also became involved in the conflict. French; Spanish and Berbers all seen in this footage. Shot looking down from hills at French Army camp at foot of mountains. Shot of camp from closer: soldier coming out of tent; a few other men & horses seen among tents. MLS 4 officers. Marshall Louis Lyautey is the eldest in middle w/ big cloak worn over uniform. More of camp; soldier leads horse carrying supplies down hill. Shots of men walking around amongst rocks and brush. Rifles in pyramids; packs etc. laid on ground. Artillery team. MLS officers again. Shot from behind group of French soldiers standing on ridge. French rifle position- -a few men crouch behind rocks. F
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