Citi Zēni - Eat Your Salad - Latvia 🇱🇻 - Official Music Video - Eurovision 2022

​@Citi Zēni will represent Latvia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 in Turin with the song ’Eat Your Salad’. The members of Citi Zēni are self-proclaimed ‘rap princes and 21st century pop divas’. They pride themselves on being sexy and green, seek to encourage reflection by adding sprinklings of satire over their lyrics, and always strive towards putting on an energetic performance in the live sphere. One listen to their homage to healthy cravings, Eat Your Salad, leaves the listener in no doubt as to what floats the boats of these cheeky chaps – eco-friendly living and a thoroughly organic diet. Read more about @Citi Zēni: Thanks to participating broadcaster LTV. ~~~~~ Lyrics ~~~~~ [Verse 1] Instead of meat I eat veggies and I like them both fresh, like them both juicy I ride my bicycle to work instead of a car All of my groceries are divided by weight and stored in glass jars
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