钢琴协奏曲《黄河》 Piano Concerto “Yellow River“ / 彭家鹏 · 苏州民族管弦乐团 Suzhou Chinese Orchestra

钢琴协奏曲《黄河》 Piano Concerto “Yellow River” 作曲:殷承宗、储望华、盛礼洪、刘庄 改编:刘文金 钢琴:谭小棠 Composers: Yin Chengzong, Chu Wanghua, Dai Lihong, Liu Zhuang Adapter: Liu Wenjin Piano: Tan Xiaotang 乐曲根据抗日救亡歌曲《黄河大合唱》改编而成,运用了西洋古典钢琴协奏曲的表现手法,在曲式结构上又融入了船夫号子等中国民间传统音乐元素,其史诗的结构、华丽的技巧、丰富的层次和壮阔的意境,在当时引起了强烈反响,并成为世界音乐史上最为著名的一首中国协奏曲。全曲分为《黄河船夫曲》《黄河颂》《黄河愤》《保卫黄河》四个乐章,后改编为钢琴与民族管弦乐协奏,更具中华民族气质。 This work is composed based on “Yellow River Cantata”, using the concerto composing method, fusing elements of China traditional music such as shanty into the forms and structure, making the this epic structure, virtuosic techniques, rich layers and majestic artistic conception a huge wave in that time, eventually becomes one of the most famous Chinese piano concerto. There are four movements, namely “The Song of the Yellow River Boatman”, “Ode to the Yellow River”, “The Wrath of the Yellow River”, “Defend the Yellow River”. With the adaptation of Chinese orchestra version, the piece was given a new kind of charisma of Zhonghua. #piano #yellowriver #suzhouchineseorchestra 指挥:彭家鹏 Conductor: Pang Kapang 演奏:苏州民族管弦乐团 Orchestra: Suzhou Chinese Orchestra 苏州保利大剧院音乐会实况 Suzhou Poly Grand Theatre Live Recording 2020年7月4日19:30 全网上线播出 Stream online on 4th July 2020 at 19:30
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