WEAK SQUARES. Weak squares in the opponent’s camp. Chess with ALEXX CHESS

WEAK SQUARES. Weak squares in the opponent’s camp. Chess with ALEXX CHESS СЛАБЫЕ ПОЛЯ. Слабые поля в лагере соперника. Шахматы с ALEXX CHESS WEAK SQUARES IN THE OPPONENT’S CAMP Hello. Today I’m going to talk about a weak square in the enemy’s camp. A weak square is a square which the opponent doesn’t defend for a long time. 00:09 Let’s take a look at the board and see how it goes. Weak squares in the opponent’s camp C5 is a move to get ready to transfer our knight into this weak square called the D6. We go C5. Black replies with A5. We go B1. Looks like a bizarre move, but trust me, it’s quite a good move. Weak squares in the opponent’s camp Black goes F8. We go A3. Black responses with D8. We go C4. Bishop C7. D6. Finally, we get to the pawn. And the bishop can of course exchange it, but it’s quite useless. Weak squares in the opponent’s
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