Russian Navy SEALs vs Ukrainian SBS. (561st MRP vs 73rd SSO Center)

These two videos are logical continuation of our previous analysis of British special services methods in sabotage operations against Russia in Ukraine The first video, as usual, gives you a general understanding about this incident. Second one is aftermath interview of this combat event with servicemen of 561st OMRP. We translated this interview, also we added some notes and illustrations in it for better perception. After watching it you realize that central goal of Britain is to create chaos in informational environment of Russian-Ukrainian war. They rely mostly on Mass Media and PsyOps in the unreal world of psychological warfare. But they also strengthen it by promoting some special operations on ground. Main task of these operations is not in some military purposes, but to make their PsyOps and Media narratives more solid in real, more physical universe. They want to be backed up with such real operations in their PR stunts. Ukrainian POW, interrogated in first video, told, that he was trained for this mission in Britain (possibly by SBS or Royal Marines). He also told that their primary task was to set up a flag, kill several Russian servicemen for stronger image, record all this on camera and run away with this recorded videotape. That tape would possibly uploaded in RU segment of Telegram by someone to create informational chaos and emphasize all Ukrainian narratives in informational space. (But frogmen from 561st MRP made it impossible).
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