The Phrygians were an ancient people who inhabited the region of central Anatolia, in what is now modern-day Turkey, during the first millennium B.C. They developed a rich culture with distinct art, metallurgy, clothing and religious practices. In this video we will showcase the chronological history of the Phrygians and explore every aspect of their culture.
00:00 - 00:58 Introduction
00:59 - 05:06 Origins
05:07 - 17:59 Chronological History
18:00 - 19:51 Language
19:52 - 23:29 Gordion
23:30 - 25:10 Royal Mounds
25:11 - 34:46 Religion & Mythology
34:47 - 37:28 Art
37:29 - 39:42 Legacy
Music kindly provided by:
Farya Faraji: @faryafaraji
Stefanos Krasopoulis/Στέφανος Κρασοπούλης: @user-vv6fh1sk5f
A Big Thank You to my Patreon members: Robert G Ferrick
You can follow me on Patreon if you want:
- G. Kenneth Sams, ’King Midas: From Myth to Reality’
- Palaeolexicon, ’The Phrygians and their language’
- Bartomeu Obrador Cursach, ’Lexicon of the Phrygian Inscriptions’
- Strabo, ’Geographica’
- Herodotus, ’The Histories’
- Mary M. Voigt’ and Robert C. Henrickson, ’Formation of the Phrygian state:
the Early Iron Age at Gordion’
- Charles Brian Rose, ’Excavating the Phrygian capital of Gordion’
- Mediterranean Seminar: Prof. Brian Rose: Recent Excavations at Gordion, Royal City of King Midas
- Berndt-Ersöz, Susanne. 1998. “Phrygian Rock-Cut Cult Façades: A Study of the Function of the So-Called Shaft Monuments.”
- Darbyshire, G., S. Mitchell, and L. Vardar. 2000. “The Galatian Settlement in Asia Minor,“
- Dr. James D. Rietveld, ’The Goddess Cybele’ Lecture
#history #documentary #phrygian
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