「EMS」Beast [MEP]

Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a good new year so far! Thanks for waiting patiently for this seventh MEP to finally being completed. Now, I hope you all enjoy this! :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. xSweetoKyeForce 2. Mia Hikari 3. KeikoAkai 4. AnimeSpirit87 5. WinxEpic Bloom 6. Thea Queen - fanart source: 1) 7. PharaohYamiSteel 8. Escaping8Reality 9. KaibaShadow - fanart source: 1) 10. xKuribohAragami 11. AnimeBabeXX - fanart sources: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) ??? 8) 12. KaibaShadow 13. sonic4079 14. Linksanisthatu 15. Gui Correia 16. ShadedStar :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Song: Beast Artist: Mia Martina feat. Waka Flocka Theme: Dark, Bishie, Sexy Suggested by: WinxEpic Bloom Thumbnail by: Mya Brava :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♦ thumbnail source:
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