Zépülkr (France) - Malemort d’Outre-Maine (EP 2012)

Another brilliant piece of Andécaves vampirism. Another of my favorites by Zépülkr, this EP is a short one but brilliantly sums the strongest aspects of early Zépülkr. Rotten, necromantic Raw Black Metal, with decrepit but entrancing riffing, use of manic clean chants of agony, drums that sound like someone pummeling skins with rotting femurs and a melancholic Folk outro. Released on EP via the excellent Mala Famae Records. Tracklist: 1 Malemort d’Outre-Maine 00:00 2 Malefikus Vampiriis Imperator 05:27 All rights belong to Zépülkr. video will be deleted upon request.
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