FUEL Series 30 Min UPPER BODY CIRCUITS & Cluster Sets Workout | Day 2
A circuit then onto cluster sets! You know it’s going to be eventful!
Chest, back, shoulders and triceps will majorly work hard today with the circuit… steady pace with every rep being the best it can.
Cluster sets of short duration…with short rest also!
For this workout you will essentially need some dumbbells, your mat and a chair for tricep dips. I will be using dip bars so this is an option if you like!
I am using 2 x yoga blocks for push ups (so deep push ups) but this is not necessary. You can perform regular push ups or even on push up bars is great!
We will begin with a circuit consisting of 5 exercises, with no specific rest in between each exercise. We will perform the circuit for 2 rounds in total! And in between each time we complete the circuit, we have 40 seconds rest.
The timer will be on for the circuit 40 seconds of work per exercise.
We then move to cluster sets!
The timer there will be only 20 seconds ea