【鉤針編織】扇形圖案組成的波浪紋單肩包|清爽的青檸色纸纱 Crochet raffia shoulder bag

扇形條紋上面的小點點俏皮可愛, 清爽的青檸色,很特別的色彩,能讓心情變的愉悅, 希望你們喜歡。 歡迎各位訂閱分享與交流, 謝謝支持. The little dots on top of the scalloped stripes are so cute and playful, I hope you like it! There are more details in this crochet, so the video is a bit longer. And welcome to subscribe and share, thank you for your support. 材料 Materials: 紙線,總用量約115g(每卷30g)| Paper thread, total usage is about 115g (30g per roll). 網格片1塊,長23cm 高 | 1 piece of mesh, 23cm l
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