
Drama Name: Please Feel at Ease Mr. Ling Genres: Romance, Comedy Also known as: 一不小心捡到爱 💬Plot summary: The story revolves around a “Little White Rabbit“ deliverywoman Gu Anxin who accidentally knocks over the heir of a corporation. The “Big Bad Wolf’ President Ling Yue requests for Anxin to take responsibility, and so she has no choice but to take him back to her home for recovery. Thus began a love story between two people with different personalities and identities. 💕Cast: Gu Anxin - Zhao Lusi Ling Yue - Liu Te Gu Ansheng - Zhou Junwei Full playlist: EP ✨Subscribe our channel to get more excellent C-dramas! Similar Dramas: The Eternal Love | Popcorn Cuts:
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