Howdy howdy howdy! Oh man, this one took a while. Thank you so much to FriendlyFrankenstein for letting me run this one past you so often. I did the BGs from my own Half Life save! I went into console commands and fiddled with the GUI, haha.
Audio from Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware (ACT 3: PART 1) (
(Sorry about the white lines at parts, there was an issue with the backgrounds)
You can find me at-
edit: ’Why does Tommy look like Lupin?’ about 100 of you have asked. that is because I drew Lupin and Jigen kissing with tongue for about two years straight before I got into Half Life. I hope this satisfies your burning questions.
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8 months ago 00:00:56 1
Как нейросеть видит Half-Life | How AI Sees Half-Life