Saudi Arabia Now! The fury of Mother Nature fell on Mecca! Floods and thunderstorms in Saudi Arabia

The fury of Mother Nature fell on Mecca! Floods and thunderstorms in Saudi Arabia, Monday, December 11, 2023, began innocently enough, but a sudden and intense downpour in the afternoon transformed the landscape within a matter of minutes. The city’s drainage system, ill-prepared for such an onslaught, was overwhelmed, unable to cope with the massive volume of water that relentlessly poured down. As a result, water levels rapidly rose, engulfing streets, shops, and even the sacred grounds of the Grand Mosque. Videos shared on social media platforms captured the alarming scenes of floodwaters rushing through the city. Worshipers at the Grand Mosque, who had gathered for prayers and reflection, were caught off guard as the rain cascaded down. The courtyard of the mosque, a place meant for serenity and spiritual awakening, became a temporary river, leaving devotees drenched in water.
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