Myrddraal - Cries of Satanic Zeal

Band: Myrddraal Demo: Black Construction (1999) Song: Cries of Satanic Zeal Lyrics: Dusk, time of death… Gazing About At the mountains of black stone, The elder untouched forest And the dark, fog-shrouded lakes The mages shed blood Instead of The tears they Do not shed As they cast their eyes upon the Bright-bladed forces of the light. War-hate Impels them forward To pronounce their spell To blight and To destroy Their enemies Or as many of them As They Can… As they die In a dark Sacrifice For their lord. They do not tremble in blood-fear, These magicians, since their ending Will be rewarded by their king. Their hate will sustain Their minds and their force In their afterlife. They have been promised new life In forms of old rotting flesh To continue their spellcraft For the dark one’s own glory. They complete their incantations And even as they are consumed They exult in an army’s death. All those soldiers of the cross Are sent to death to find No truth in theology… And though the mages also scream, Their cries are of satanic zeal…
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