SideFX Houdini - Procedural Jellyfish / Creation Workflow

0:00:00 - Intro : Explaining the different steps I went through and how it differs from a more traditional cg approach. 0:03:12 - Chapter 1 : The Bell | Base modelling and looping animation of the different phase of the jellish bell. 0:15:49 - Chapter 2 : Motion Path | Procedural Animation | Houdini Expressions and Chops 0:27:43 - Chapter 3 : Oral Arms | Procedural modeling and Vellum Simulation 0:54:22 - Chapter 4 : Tentacles | Procedural modeling and Vellum Simulation 1:10:13 - Chapter 5 : Internal Structure | Procedural modeling and Vellum Simulation 1:21:16 - Conclusion / Gumroad Ressources / Thanks for watching ! -------------------------------------------- Hi Everyone ! Focusing in this video on the dynamic and modeling part of a jellyfish. Maybe If you are interested we’ll see later how I approached the assembly, lookdev and lighting in Solaris and its native renderer called Karma. Some of the tools used in this tutori
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