Claudio Monteverdi, Lamento della Ninfa, Vox Luminis, Kristen Witmer

Claudio Monteverdi 1567 - 1643 Lamento della Ninfa from the 8th book of Madrigals (1623) Vox Luminis Kristen Witmer () - Ninfa Olivier Berten Robert Buckland Bertrand Delvaux David van Bouwel (organ) Benoit Vanden Bemden (Violone) Sara Louise Ridy (harp) Cristian Gutierrez (Theorbo) Masato Suzuki (Harpsichord) more information about the piece: ,_Book_8,_SV_146–167_(Monteverdi,_Claudio) english translation: The Sun had not brought The day to the world yet, When a maiden Went out of her dwelling. On her pale face Grief could be seen, Often from her heart A deep sigh was drawn. Thus, treading upon flowers, She wandered, now here, now there, And lamented her lost loves Like this: - O Love - she said, Gazing at the sky, as she stood - Where’s the fidelity That the deceiver promised? - Poor her! - Make my love come back As he used to be Or kill me, so that I will not suffer anymore. - Poor her! She cannot bear All this coldness! - I
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